Maryellen Auger
Rowing For All
Little Harbor Boathouse
contact me
Maryellen Auger
Looking for an enjoyable sport to help me lose weight and get in great shape, I started rowing through a community program when I was a mother with two young children. I joined Lincoln Maritime on Hingham Bay, MA and eventually gained confidence as a single recreational sculler. It wasn’t long before I’d lost weight and discovered the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of rowing. I felt amazing, and was more relaxed and healthy than I had been in a long time. I found beauty and peace on the water and within myself, too. I was hooked!
As a member of the Locarno Rowing Club in Vancouver, B.C. for 5 months, I was introduced to
Echo open water rowing. The awe-inspiring scenery and marine life offshore took my rowing passion to another level. There is no describing the feeling of being in tune with the ocean, with your body, and with the rhythmic motion of a scull.
Moving to Marblehead, Massachusetts in 2007, I purchased an Echo rowing shell and began rowing off Little Harbor Beach.
Completing my first Blackburn challenge – a 20-mile open water competition - was a huge personal accomplishment. I achieved something I'd not considered possible. It's true to say being on-the-water was my greatest sports pleasure and I loved sharing my enthusiasm with others.
When I discovered a vacant storeroom on Little Harbor (across the street from our home) I founded Rowing For All LLC and opened Little Harbor Boathouse. Rowing For All LLC marketed and sold all Echo Rowing boats for six years until the original owners retired and sold the company to it's present owners in 2016.
After all these years, I remain enthusiastic about sharing my love and expertise about the Echo Rowing boat -- still being manufactured in the same molds as when they first became available. Why buy a new Echo -- when you can buy a well-loved used Echo for a lifetime of rowing pleasure!
I maintain an active list of folks interested in purchasing used Echo Rowing Shells. I work for Echo owners to sell their boats at market value. I have the prospect list and a solid track-record of success -- typically selling a used Echo Rowing Shell in good condition within 24 hours to a week's time of offer from Little Harbor Boathouse: littleharborboathouse.com
I enjoy being on the water. My mission is to share my joy and expertise with the best in human-powered craft for all their mind, body & Spirit benefits! Come join me!
-Maryellen Auger
2 time 3rd Place Finish: 20 mile open water Blackburn Challenge 2010 & 2013
U.S. Rowing Level 1 Coaching Certification
CrossFit/Concept2 Rowing Coach Certification
M.A. Spiritual Psychology-University of Santa Monica
B.S.Recreation Resource Managment-University of Vermont
Owner: Little Harbor Boathouse
Co-Founder: Homebase Abroad, LTD
Founder: First Night Burlington, Vermont